
Winter Blues

So since this weather has me down and out and it's almost impossible for me to get home before the sun sets, I decided that I am going to work on my editing skills. I will begin a series of SOOC (straight of of camera) and Edit posts in order to better my skills. It's not like I have any sweet nun-chuck skills or anything. How about you??

So off we go.



You may be thinking to yourself... well that's not a very good edit but I was going for the "grainy" effect. If you notice on the second on the the focus falls on the bottom of the flower you should know that I was shooting wide open which means that the amount of the photo that is in focus is very minimal. Also, I have been working on my "Rule of Thirds"... I'm constantly breaking it.

Anyways, let me know what you think. Your comments are very much appreciated!

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