

Nursery Update

Matt was able to work in the nursery a couple of times this past week. He finished priming the walls, painted the ceiling and put one coat of paint on the window trim.

This is the closet. It's a rather large closet. The drawers are built in and we plan on painting them to match the rest of the room. It's wonderful storage! I hope the baby won't mind up using a couple of them for out-of-season clothes storage!

He then pulled up that awful dark blue carpet. Hooray! I cannot believe how much of a difference it makes not having that carpet in the room. It feels so much bigger and fresher... is fresher even a word?? hmm.

Today will be used to finish priming the baseboards, put the finishing coat on the window trim, pulling the tack strips up, and perhaps painting the baseboards if they dry in time.

Time is going by so quickly and Matt's been working hard on prepping the nursery. I cannot wait for it to be done so we can start putting baby H's things in place.

Grow baby grow!

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1 comment:

  1. It's really coming along. I can't wait to see more :) I love the wood floors!


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