

17 weeks

how far along? 17 weeks
baby’s size: about the size of a onion.
weight gain: Not certain.
maternity clothes? Yeah. They’re much to comfortable to not wear ☺
stretch marks? No.
sleep? I’m up about 3 times every night to pee.
best moment this week? celebrating my birthday with husband!
food cravings: None.
gender: 11 days until we {hopefully} find out!
belly button in or out? In
movement? I haven’t felt any since last week.
what I miss? I really cannot think of anything that I miss.
what I'm looking forward to: Finding out the baby's sex.

It's been 5 weeks since I've taken a 'bump' photo. So here's my 17 week photo!

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1 comment:

  1. You look great! And Happy late birthday!


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