

A sad evening.

 So Matt, Murphy, and I sat out back this evening, watching the birds and our dear friend, Chippy. Murphy watched him come in and out of the pipe, waiting for him to run out and up the tree. Chippy, is the sweet lil chipmunk that's been hanging out around out bird feeder. He's around so much that Murphy knows him by name. I'll say something like "Murphy, where's Chippy" and he'll run down to the furthest part of our yard his collar will let him and watch for him. Most times when I let him out, I will find him laying out back in the same spot waiting and watching for his friend, Chippy. [the quality of these photos sucks, but I'm glad I got some pictures of him]

Anyways, as we were sitting out back Chippy successfully made it to the bird feeder and had some dinner. When he was done, he scurried down the tree and ran up the driveway. Matt was curious where he was going, so he followed him.

Chippy's last photo :(

 Then it happened.

Chippy ran onto the road and got ran over. Matt saw the whole thing. I thought for sure he was joking, but he wasn't. I cried. Matt got a special pair of gloves, walked up the driveway and scooped him up. He laid him to rest in the overgrown field behind our house.

I got mad and came inside shortly after. How could this happen? Seriously. Of all the darn chipmunks to get smooshed, it had to be our Chippy.

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  1. Sorry about Chippy, Erikka. I loved the picture you posted a week or two ago of him. :)

  2. Poor Chippy! That is so sad. :(

  3. Thanks for your condolences, Kate ;)


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