

Holy Smokes! I bought Adele's "21" cd this part weekend and I am thoroughly impressed with this girls vocal skills. Seriously, this whole cd is great!I cannot remember the last time I bought a cd. Well, actually now that I think about it I do remember... it was "Fast Times at Barrington High" by The Academy Is and it was roughly 2.5 years ago. That was, also, an extremely awesome cd, though they are 2 completely different awesomes.

Anyways, back to Adele. WOW! Some may find her raspy voice annoying but it's actually incredibly refreshing. She seems to remind me a lot of Aretha Franklin, she kind of has a soul-ish sound going on. Apparently I am not a critic because I am having a hard time describing her voice. Either way, please take it from me... it's absolutely awesome.

I have edited my playlist so you can hear her amazingness :P

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