

19 week update

how far along? 19 weeks
baby’s size: about the size of a large heirloom tomato (though I don’t really know if I know what this is.)
weight gain: Not sure… I’ll find out on Tuesday
maternity clothes? Yeah. They’re much too comfortable to not wear
stretch marks? No.
sleep? Ehh. My lower back is KILLING me already. It’s the number one reason for my crappy sleep.
best moment this week? Feeling the baby move so much.
food cravings: No cravings this week.
gender: {hopefully} find out Tuesday!
belly button in or out? In
movement? A lot more movement this week- it’s incredible!
what I miss?  Really, nothing
what I'm looking forward to: Finding out the babies sex and seeing him/her on ultrasound.

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1 comment:

  1. Good luck on Tuesday! Hope you find out what you're having!! :)


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