

Meet baby H...

Well, ladies and gentleman today was the day that we got to see our little one. Everything went perfectly. Except for the fact that we have a huge wiggleworm on our hands! My midwife gave up on trying to count the heartbeat because the baby wouldn't stay still long enough for her to count. She just said 'it sounds strong so we won't worry about it'. Shortly after, she was done with me and I walked down the hallway to the ultrasound room. The moment I've (well both Matt and I) have been waiting for. We were in there for 25 seconds when the tech asked us if we wanted to know the sex of the baby. We said yes, of course! 10 seconds later we were staring at two legs spread wide open... with no little thingy in between them!
Yes, we are having a little girl! When the tech found the 'goods' (or lack thereof) I knew what I was looking at but was waiting for her to say, it's a GIRL! When she did, I grabbed Matt's hand and said, We have a daughter. I immediately got choked up and told the tech that I was going to cry... and I did. For about 3-4 minutes I laid there and cried. I was so incredibly overwhelmed with joy. My heart is filled with so much love already and I just don't know what to do!

Here she is, our sweet baby girl, Claire. Claire Marie.

And here I am at week 19!

After my appointment we made the 2 hour trek to visit our families, well actually to share our news.
Along the way we stopped for lunch. When we got up to leave, I realized that I was experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions. It hurt like hell, but only while I was standing. I couldn't believe how tight my abdomen was. Today was a super awesome day. I'm excited to share Claire's first threads with you ;) I'll be back tomorrow to show you!


  1. Congratulations on your baby girl! I love her name :)

  2. Congrats Erikka! I am so excited for you to have a sweet baby girl! And her name is beautiful! :)

  3. Congratulations!!! Having a little girl is going to be so much fun :) I certainly know I'm excited about it and I'm sure you are too. So happy for you guys!

  4. Congrats! beautiful name! :)


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