
Claire's Baptism

Matt and I are Catholic and baptism is something that is very important to us. We wanted to wait a little while because I didn't want to have her out of her carseat at church until she was a little older. So on December 9th, little Claire Marie got baptized.
When the priest poured the water over her head, she barely flinched. My grandfather-in-law spent the rest of the day saying that the priest has probably never baptized a baby who didn't cry once during the whole ceremony.
After church we had a giant feast. Matt's parents made homemade meatballs (the best!) and spaghetti sauce. Of course there was sausage and salad and delicious bread! After lunch we devoured Claire's delicious baptism cake. Seriously people, the cake was the best cake I've ever had. However, I was super ticked off when Matt brought it home the night before... the woman spelled Claire's name wrong. But, we decided that it would make for a funny story one day (that's how I'm trying to see things that I can't control and end up screwed up).
Claire received some presents and money from our overly generous family.
She wore this handmade baptism gown that was purchased on Apricot and Lolipop's etsy shop:
 I couldn't recommend that seller enough. After she shipped it to me, I realized I measured Claire incorrectly. So I immediately contacted her to let her know I goofed up. She had me send it back and she altered it and shipped it back to me free of charge. That, my friends, is good business practices!

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